Friday, October 21, 2005

New family edition

Tilly is the new edition to the family. My mum surprised me on wed with Tilly, a 6 week old, beautiful black lab. She's jet black apart from a tiny white patch on her bottom lip (seen in the photo) and a thin white patch on her chest. I've spent the last couple of days being chewed to bits and I'm minus a few strands of hair (all dogs take a shine to my hair and tend to only attack my hair even though there may be 20 people in the room with hair to chew)

She's all feet and tail. The tail never stops wagging and she's not quite figured out how to move her back legs in time with her front legs. I now have more reason to have fun at my mum's now


LuNaMooN said...

<3 Tilly!

nenni said...

she's so cute. theres a video of her. My mum's friend filmed it on her phone. it's very short but her bf said he'll send it to me

Ahamed Iqbal said...

That is a very cute pup. Take a bunch of photos now, because they grow up faster than you think.