Saturday, November 26, 2005

My Driving Test

After much nervousness, panicking etc...I PASSED! I didn't pass with flying colours, but my examiner said my driving is great, just my manouvers can do with a bit of polishing up. It'll all come with experience now. According to West Australian road laws, I now have to complete 25 hours of supervised driving, completing a log book in the process, before I can get my provisional license (P plates). I still have to be on my L plates (Learner) until I complete those 25 hours. But I can drive wherever I want. With someone like me though, who wouldn't drive very far, into the city at most (a half hour trip) it's going to take me a looooong time to rack up those 25 hours. But still, I can drive wherever I want now! And I don't really mind someone else being in the car with me. Gets me ready for when I need to drive alone. So..thanks to all the people that wished me luck! It's greatly appreciated! :)


LuNaMooN said...

you have to be on your provisional licence for 2 years. It kinda sucks, but you can do pretty much whatever a normal driver does, except for the blood alcohol limit is lower. Which is fair enough seeing as though most P plate drivers are under the age of 18.

nenni said...

Do you have to keep your P plates on for the 2 years or can you take them off before then?

LuNaMooN said...

nah, they have to stay on, i think if you get caught without them its a huge fine and loss of demerit points

Michele said...

Wow. We don't have all of that here. We have the Learner's Permit, but that is mainly for minors. And once you get a License that is all you need. CONGRATULATIONS, LUNA!!!!! :D